Intimate Concert

Magic. Intimate. Up close and intense …                                                                                                                         [DK]

A singer, a stage piano, your own living room … and the people you want to share a very special intimate concert with. That's the recipe for a rare intimate meeting with the award winning Ben Chawes, where the audiences get to be very close to his varm and crisp mix of jazzy soul-pop of international class.

Ben Chawes has toured in 18 countries, featured in the danish international hit TV-series 'The Killing', featured artist on the album 'Bang & Olufsen proudly presents Ben Chawes',won 4 american music awards incl. "Artist of the year".

Turning you living room into a concert hall...

• Use your living room, workspace, cafeteria, etc.
• Invite minimum 20 friends, family members, colleges... 
• Each person pays for his/her own ticket – just like a regular concert




Ben Chawes is a winner of four Amerikanske music awards incl. "Artist of the Year". Med sin varme stemme, fortryllende sange og sit helt eget unikke "mundinstrumenter" er det en koncertoplevelse ud over det sædvanlige.

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